About Us
Our Mission
We work for 3 R’s. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Treatment methods are aimed to operate on lesser energy for energy conservation and sustainability.
Our Vision
Providing user and environment friendly treatment technologies which can be easily adopted by the end user with lesser financial impact.
Our Services
Sewage Treatment Plant
Treating waste stream which are generated from domestic house hold, apartment, college and institutions. EWES offers complete treatment solution from concept to commissioning & adoption of the same. Technologies adopted for treating sewage are Extended aeration, MBBR, SBR, UASBR, RBC and MBR. Our objective is to produce an environmentally safer treatment system to treat sewage and discharge into environment.
Effluent Treatment Plant
Industrial effluent or trade effluent treatment methods are selected based on our site visit study report. We offer complete treatment solution for the effluents from water recovery to complete zero liquid discharge system. Our solutions for ETP varies from Biological, chemical, Electro flocculation and advanced oxidation.
Reverse Osmosis
The reverse osmosis treatment generally is applied to desalting of seawater and brackish water destined to human consumption, low pressure boiler feeding, feeding of ion exchange demineralization plants and other processing use. The aim of the treatment by reverse osmosis is reduction of 95 – 98% of dissolved salts and removal of bacterial charge from clear (filtered) water. Our solutions for R.O starts from 100 LPH to 50,000 LPH plants which are containerized for easy transportation.
Softening Plant
Water softening is the removal of calcium, magnesium, and certain other metal cations in hard water. The resulting soft water is more compatible with soap and extends the lifetime of plumbing. Water softening is usually achieved using ion-exchange resins. We offer FRP, MS-FRP and rubber lined filters with automation for our projects.
Ultra Filtration Plant
The process of the Ultra filtration unit is dead end filtration which removes finest particles which are present in the water and waste water. UF removes almost completely all the suspended particles and pathogens.
MBR Plant
Compact treatment method, highest treatment quality, highly sophisticated system to meet stringent treatment standards. We offer containerized MBR and hollow/sheet fibre system based on site requirement.
Biogas Plant
EWES offer solution and system to tap the renewable energy from organic waste. Our solution for the system are UASBR, Plug flow system and Up flow systems. Our tested and time proven systems provide consistent gas production with lesser maintenance. We offer complete solution in this from designing, detailing, supply, erection & commissioning.
Organic Waste Converters (OWC)
EWES offers solutions for organic waste and food waste disposals. We offer standard 15 day composters as well one-day composter based on customer requirement. Treated organic waste can be used as manure in the farms.
Chemicals & Spares
EWES offers spares and services for the system supplied or for new system. Our spares list starts from agitators, auto – bar screen, automation, clarifier, filters, flocculator and sludge handling systems.
Zero Liquid Discharge Plant (ZLD)
Waste water recycling is the only solution to the water scarcity and can meet the growing demand for good quality water even as water scarcity and pollution increases. We offer complete solution for recovering good water from the waste water stream as well build system to recover as much as 95% – 98% of the water from the waste stream.
Operation & Maintenance
EWES offers AMC and O & M services with aim to meet industrial treatment quality standards and client to focus more on their core product. Our dedicated team will take care the day to day activities required for plant maintenance and treatment standards.
Evaporator Plant (ATFD)
EWES offers solution to recover the final possible water from the R.O reject, which cannot further have filtered for water recovery. Our offer for evaporator starts from double effect to multiple effect and ATFD for final salt recovery. We pave path to achieve zero discharge certification from our evaporator system solutions.
90/1-5, First Floor, Athi Nagar, Kandhaampalayam, Bhavani Main Road, Perundurai – 638052.
98420 18223